Government Schemes and Laws to Prevent Suicide Cases in India

The Government of India has introduced several schemes and laws aimed at preventing
suicides and addressing the underlying causes of this growing public health issue.
These initiatives focus on providing mental health care, financial support, and creating
awareness about mental health.

1. Mental Healthcare Act, 2017
Overview: The Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, is a comprehensive law designed to protect
the rights of individuals with mental illnesses and ensure they receive adequate care
and treatment.
Key Provisions:
● Right to Access Mental Health Care: Guarantees every individual the right to
access mental health services and treatment.
● Advance Directives: Allows individuals to specify their treatment preferences in
● Mental Health Review Boards: Establishes boards to oversee the
implementation of the Act and address grievances.
● Decriminalization of Suicide: Recognizes attempted suicide as a mental health
issue and ensures individuals receive care and treatment instead of punishment.

2. National Mental Health Program (NMHP)
Overview: Launched in 1982, the NMHP aims to improve the mental health care
infrastructure in India, making services more accessible and affordable.
Key Components:
● District Mental Health Program (DMHP): Integrates mental health services into
primary healthcare at the district level, providing outreach clinics, community
programs, and training for healthcare workers.
● Manodarpan: Part of the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, this initiative provides
psychological support to students, teachers, and families, offering online
counseling and educational resources.

3. Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme
Overview: This scheme provides financial support to farmers, helping reduce the
financial stress that often leads to suicides in the agricultural sector.
Key Features:
● Access to Credit: Offers farmers easy access to affordable credit for agricultural
and allied activities.
● Insurance Coverage: Includes crop insurance to protect farmers against crop
loss and financial distress.

4. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
Overview: A crop insurance scheme designed to provide financial support to farmers in
the event of crop loss or damage.
Key Features:
● Risk Coverage: Covers risks like drought, floods, and pests.
● Financial Compensation: Provides timely compensation to farmers, reducing
financial stress and preventing suicides.

5. Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM)
Overview: This mission aims to reduce poverty and create sustainable livelihood
opportunities for rural households.
Key Features:
● Self-Help Groups (SHGs): Promotes the formation of SHGs to provide financial
and social support.
● Skill Development: Offers training and skill development programs to enhance

6. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA)
Overview: These schemes aim to improve access to quality education, reducing the
academic pressure that can lead to student suicides.
Key Features:
● Inclusive Education: Ensures inclusive and equitable quality education for all
● Counseling Services: Provides counseling and psychological support to

7. Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK)
Overview: This program focuses on adolescent health, addressing physical, mental, and
social health needs.
Key Features:
● Peer Educators: Trains peer educators to provide mental health support and
● Adolescent-Friendly Health Clinics: Establishes clinics to provide counseling
and healthcare services to adolescents.

8. National Suicide Prevention Strategy (NSPS)
Overview: A comprehensive strategy focused on reducing suicide rates through
coordinated efforts.
Key Components:
● Awareness Campaigns: Conducts nationwide campaigns to raise awareness
about suicide prevention.
● Helplines: Establishes 24/7 suicide prevention helplines.
● Training Programs: Provides training for healthcare professionals and
community workers to identify and support individuals at risk.

9. Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)
Overview: Part of the Ayushman Bharat scheme, PMJAY aims to provide health
coverage to economically vulnerable families.
Key Features:
● Healthcare Coverage: Provides free healthcare coverage for secondary and
tertiary care.
● Mental Health Services: Includes coverage for mental health services and

The Government of India has implemented various schemes and laws to address the
multifaceted issue of suicide. These initiatives focus on improving mental health care,
providing financial support, creating awareness, and offering social and psychological
support. By leveraging these resources, it is possible to reduce the incidence of suicide
and support those at risk

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